A People-Centric Approach is essential to unlock the full potential of digital transformation

A digital transformation’s impact should resonate throughout an organization, touching everything from IT and marketing to sales and HR and reaching every customer touchpoint. It must encompass a holistic change that speeds up processes, introduces new customer-centric services, extracts insights from various touch points, establishes fresh competencies to support evolving business needs, and more.

Failing to consider all these facets can result in untapped potential, for instance, implementing advanced technologies that go unnoticed by customers and internal users due to neglected interface updates, creating services without hiring staff to operate them, or opening new channels for non-existent audiences.

The linchpin of a successful digital transformation is people. To ensure customer satisfaction, it’s crucial to understand customer needs and empower employees to drive change. Unfortunately, organizational silos often hinder integrated thinking, leading to stalled or unsuccessful transformations.

To address this, it’s essential to incorporate a customer perspective into technology-led changes. Collaboration between CTOs, CMOs, Sales, and customer service teams is necessary to comprehend different audiences and conduct customer research, including surveys and interviews, to inform solution delivery.

Furthermore, evolving the operating model in tandem with new ideas is vital. Opportunities may be unrealized with the right team, processes, and tools, causing audience confusion or failure.

Change management is another critical enabler. Transformation should involve mandatory business training and IT teams and consider the organization’s capacity for change across different parts of the business. Assessing readiness as soon as possible can identify challenges and potential change ambassadors.

To succeed, break down silos with an integrated approach that considers technology, experience, business, operations, and data. Connecting the right people at the right time is vital to achieving long-term transformation success.

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